Dev-Lux Instruments for the modern way of dental extraction, appropriate for the principe of minimal invasiveness. SALE OP=OP (nog 1 set beschikbaar)
The handle design aligned to presure and tug, allows tactile working without distroying the adjacent structures. Direct and controlled power transfer
is possible with this handle.
This is the perfect instrument for the careful and faultless removal of non-preservable teeth.
753-31F =2.5mm 753-33F=3.5mm voor approximaal bereik.
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The handle design aligned to presure and tug, allows tactile working without distroying the adjacent structures. Direct and controlled power transfer
is possible with this handle.
This is the perfect instrument for the careful and faultless removal of non-preservable teeth.
753-31F =2.5mm 753-33F=3.5mm voor approximaal bereik.
Lees hier meer over Dev-Lux ..........
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